The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence
Can “Atmanirbhartha” be achieved in Shipbuilding by 2047?
Why India urgently needs a legal framework to regulate Artificial Intelligence
The Bhartiya Vayuyan Vidheyak 2024 is a landmark legislation in Indian aviation
Indian Outward Investments: A Strategic Perspective
Revitalising India-ASEAN Economic Relations
India-China Trade, Investment and the Way Forward
The Centrality of the Middle East in India’s Quest for Connectivity
Innovations in Space: How is India Shaping its Space Program
US and China Policy: A need for a comprehensive review by Washington
Great Power Rivalry in Space
States as Proactive Drivers of India’s Export Mission
One Year of India – US iCET: Looking Ahead
An Agenda for Technology
Fostering a Culture of Innovation
A Model for Development: The secret behind success
Reflections on the Indian Economy 2023
Technology and Future Society
Securing a Clean Energy Future
Cyber Security in 2023: The next frontier
The Economics of National Security - 2023